||"REVOLUTION"||||Secret Staging Area||Second moon of Antiga Prime|| -> ||"革命"||||安提哥殖民地第二卫星||未知区域||

  • Bring Kerrigan to the Antigan || Command Center.||- Defend the Antigan rebels.||- Raynor and Kerrigan must|| survive. -> - 带凯瑞甘去指挥中心.||- 保护反叛军.||- 雷纳和凯瑞甘不能死亡.

Hey, man. Headquarters has begun analysis of the discs. They expect to have them decoded shortly. I hope whatever's on those discs is worth it. -> 嘿,总部开始分析磁盘了。很快就||能将它解码。我希望磁盘的数据物||有所值。

Receiving incoming transmission from Arcturus Mengsk: -> 接收到阿克图拉斯.蒙斯克传来的 信息:

You and Captain Raynor have done well, Commander. I believe our efforts have weakened the Confederacy's grip on the fringe worlds, but our job out here isn't done yet. Lieutenant Kerrigan, my second in command, will elaborate. -> 你和雷纳干的很好。我确信你们的||行动已经削弱了联盟对边缘地区的||控制。但是我们的工作还没完成。||凯瑞甘少尉,我的二号指挥官,她||将会给你们详细地说明。

I'll get straight to the point. Our sources tell us that Antiga Prime is ready to begin open revolt against the Confederacy. Unfortunately, the Confederates seem to be aware of this as well. They've stationed a large detachment of Alpha Squadron troops there, under the command of General Duke. -> 我对这一地区进行了详细的调查,||种种迹象表明,安提哥殖民地不久||将会有一场反对联盟政府的起义。||但很不幸,联盟军似乎也掌握了这||条消息,他们派遣到此的军队正逐||渐增多。这些部队隶属于联盟星际||舰队阿尔法中队的杜克将军,起义||部队的大本营已经被他们的军队所||包围。这是一支精锐的部队,起义||军恐怕根本无力对抗。

It will be your job, Commander, to free this colony and show our good intent to the Antigan people. Lieutenant Kerrigan will help you deal with Duke's officers. The rest of the Confederates are yours to deal with. -> 你的任务是和起义军会合并且解放||这个殖民地。凯瑞甘少尉会帮你干||掉那些军官,剩下的就看你的了。

Captain Raynor, I've finished scouting out|| -> 雷纳上尉,我已经完成对本地区的侦查,||

the area, and-you pig! -> 啊?!你这色狼!

What? I haven't even said anything to you|| -> (奇怪)嗯?我可没和你说什么啊?! ||

yet! -> ||

Yeah, but you were thinking it. -> 没错,可是你在想…

Oh yeah, you're a telepath. Look, let's just|| -> 啊…原来你有心灵感应。||

get on with this, okay? -> 唉,先办正事,好吗?

Right. -> 嗯。

I hate these things. They can sense me|| -> 我恨这些东西。我隐形时它们能发||

even when I'm cloaked. We should take|| -> 现我。我们先得干掉它们。||

these out. ->

Kerrigan can use her Cloaking ability to|| -> 凯瑞甘能够使用隐形命令,||

sneak by most enemy forces.|| -> 保护自己不被大多数敌人发现。||

can be used to spot cloaked units. -> 防空导弹塔,能够探测出隐形的单位。||

(Kerrigan kills the Confederate Officer) -> (凯瑞甘杀死了联盟指挥官)||

I've taken care of business on this end, || -> 我已经搞定了他们的指挥官,||

Commander. I think the Antigans are ready || -> 现在安提哥的人民也决定和我们||

to back us up, too. -> 并肩作战了。||

That's right. We've tolerated these|| -> 没错,我们在联盟的压迫下忍受很久了!||

Confederate goons long enough! ->

Commander, I'm picking up a large|| -> 指挥官,附近出现联盟军的大批||

Confederate strike force advancing on our|| -> 舰队,已经着陆。||

position. ->

Well, they're not wasting any time. -> 他们真是一点时间都不愿意耽误。||


  • Destroy the Confederate base. -> - 摧毁联盟的基地。||

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